I am hopefully only about mid-way through my life, in the era when I remember my milestone birthdays as the parties they were and am content to not have many more very quickly. I am married to a man who loves travel perhaps more than me even, and is incredibly cooperative when traveling, and perpetually looking forward to the next adventure when we are home. As long as I do the packing, and especially the unpacking.
My daughter, my angel, my sassy friend. I have a teenager who doesn't act like one, a pretty girl who doesn't know it, an almost-adult who puts most of them to shame with her cleverness, her charm, and her joy in living. My late-in-life baby who is my greatest blessing.
My mother is healthy and cheerful, and one of my best friends. My father is a funny, smart, amazing role model. I have a brother I adore and tons of nieces and nephews. My extended family is large and getting larger. I am blessedly pet-free.
I am a semi-retired history teacher, a part-time lawyer, a wanna-be writer, and oddly all around happy with my life. Go figure.